Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Here are the images you've all been waiting for, my final portfolios for my Studio lighting class and Digital photography class! :) This past semester has been a real learning and growing experience. I have a lot of fun in my classes and also a lot of frustrations. I'm excited to continue to develop and improve upon the skills I learned in these classes!

These first six images are from my Studio lighting class.



Box lighting

Portrait 3/4

Portrait headshot

Digital Photography series
These are digital painting that I created in photoshop!

One of the fun things I learned how to do in my digital photography class was HRD images. I'm really excited to make more images using this technique!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So here's the last of my least everything before the final portfolio. These last assignments were a lot of fun, I only wish we had more time to work on them.

